The plumbing products are for the building and construction industry, residential and commercial complexes, townships, high rise buildings, hospitals, industrial plumbing, industrial projects water supply system, swimming pools, rising and distribution mains for civic amenities, potable water supply systems for urban and rural population, underground drainage/sewerage systems for municipal and government projects, industrial effluent conveyance for manufacturing and process facilities, storm water drainage system for infrastructure sector.
uPVC plumbing pipes, fittings (plain and threaded) cater to the domestic /residential /commercial/industrial and high pressure cold water supply requirements in various sizes from ½" to 12" nominal diameter. These are easy to install, durable (50+ years life), safe for drinking water, corrosion resistant, have least bacterial growth and are economical. The uPVC products are as per ASTM standards (D 1785 for SCH 40, 80 & 120 pipes and D 2467 for SCH 80 fittings). |
cPVC pipes, fitting systems along with Jain plumbing solvent cement (Perma-Fix) are applicable for residential hot and cold water supplies in size range ½" to 2". These are as per SDR 11 & SDR 13.5 classification (ASTM D 2846) & fittings as per SDR 11. These are easy to install, durable (50+ years life), safe for drinking water, corrosion resistant, least bacterial growth, suitable upto 82 deg. C and economical. |
SWR pipes (IS 13592) and Fittings (IS 14735) (40 mm to 160 mm O.D.) are in single socket (rubber joint)/solvent weld type end with 3 meters length. Double socket SWR pipes have 75 mm & 110 mm sizes. Clip ring joint is also available for 160 mm O.D. Type A pipes are for ventilation and rain water, Type B are for soil and waste discharge systems. SWR fittings (75 mm to 160 mm O.D.) also conform to DIN 19531/19534. These PVC pipes are lightweight, strong, UV stabilized – weather resistant, easy to install, have smooth inner surface, long life and are economical. |
UDS (IS 15328) serves underground drain/sewer in residential, commercial, urban/rural townships. These PVC pipes (110 mm to 630 mm O.D.) have solvent weld/ring fit joints, have excellent earth load bearing strength, corrosion resistance, durability (50+ years life), watertight joints, minimize excavation cost and are economical. |