सुपर क्लिन स्क्रिन फिल्टर

- Special Filter Design
Tangential inlet protects the
screen from direct impact of
sharp/angular particles
- Unique Smart Clean Element
Equipped with Smart–Clean,
Unique filtering element, to
assure high performance and
effective filtration.
- Easy for Maintenance
Strong and smooth opening and
closing for cleaning
screen element
- Standard Epoxy Coating for
Protection from Corrosion
Coated with more than 70 micron
thick light blue coloured epoxy
powder from both inside and
outside surface for protection
against corrosion and weather
- Various Connection
Options Available
Threaded connection, Flanged
connection or Easy Fix™
connection available
- Draining Facility Available
Slant drain valve position at
the bottom facilitates effective
- Mild steel Construction
- And ‘L’ shaped body allows installation in angular fashion.
- Available in standard mesh of 100 micron size. (other
mesh sizes available On demand).
- Flow direction from outside of the element to inside (Out
to In).
- Maximum operating pressure 6 kg/cm² (142 psi).
- Epoxy coated stand for support and proper installation of
the filter available as optional.
- On demand, Super–Clean filter can also be supplied with
automatic flushing option.
- Super–Clean filter can also be supplied in stainless steel
- Can be supplied in multiple batteries option
- Prevents irrigation system clogging from physical contaminants.system.
