Features and Specifications
- Manufactured from special grade virgin plastic using state-of-the art technology that guarantees the best results.
- Specially developed for longer length of lateral run, where large sections sizes are required to be irrigated at a time.
- Offers highest efficiency and emission uniformity.
- Precision formed flow path channels and filters.
- Clog resistant drip tape with hydraulically efficient, high vortex, turbulent flow path with large cross sectional area.
- Longer flow path of each dripper ensures true drip flow- no squirts.
- Unique continuous inlet filter system which runs along the full length of tape. 333 inlet filters per meter length of the drip tape ensure supply of water to the flow path even if some of the filter segments of the stripe are blocked.
- Double inlet filter protection - Apart from the inlet filters, there are secondary filters at the inlet of each emitter.
- Off center outlets restricts water movement along the tape and ensures each drop falls to the soil.
- Slit outlet, prevents entrance of the soil through outlet.
- Lower tension while winding ensures less retraction in the field and avoids kinking.
- Excellent coefficient of manufacturers variations, CVm between 2-4%.
- Minimum 100 micron filtration recommended.
- Specially designed Tape Lock™ fittings are available. Please refer to `Poly Fitting & Accessories´ page.
- Suitable for surface as well as sub surface installations.
- Suitable for irrigating large section sizes.
- Recommended for crops like cotton, banana, vegetables, sugarcane, potato, floriculture, strawberries, peppers, melons, etc.
