Jain Turbo Cascade PC, PCNL & PCAS |
Features and Specifications
- Integral, Flat, Pressure Compensating Dripline Available in three options, Basic Pressure Compensating, Orange, Pressure Compensating Anti-Siphon, Blue, Pressure Compensating Non-Leakage, Red
- Three Dimensional Inlet Filter Side water inlet structure to improve clog resistance.
- Precision Pressure Compensation Injection moulded silicone diaphragm ensures precision in pressure compensation helps to maintain high discharge uniformity.
- Manufactured with Most Modern, State-Of-the-Art Equipment. It´s computerised continuous online quality control monitors emitter spacing and precision in outlet drilling. Thus ensures reliable quality and consistent performance.
- Laser Drilled Outlet Holes Precision laser drilled outlet gives uniform and clear openings.
- Innovative Cascade Labyrinth Cascade labyrinth gives strong, self cleaning turbulence. Hydrodynamic dripper design ensures continuous flushing of sediments.
- Protection from Root Intrusion and Sand Suction Weir outlet structure separates regulating outlet from tubing outlet which prevents root intrusion and sand suction.
- Dynamic Self CleaningMechanism Dynamic movement of diaphragm flushes of debris.
- Marked with Two Parallel White Stripes `Twin- Line®´ Our copyright marking of two parallel yellow line `Twin Line®´ assures a best quality product.
- Flexibility in color selection Black - for agriculture, Brown - for landscape application, White - for greenhouse application, Purple - for reclaimed water application.
- Nominal Discharges : Available in 1.1, 1.6, 2.0 and 3.8lph
- Sizes : Standard sizes of 16, 17, 18, 20, 22 and 23 mm nominal diameter. Other sizes can be supplied on demand.
- Emitter Spacing : Standard emitter spacing of 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 75, 90, 100, 120 and 150 cm. Any other emitter spacing and group spacing can be supplied on
- Pressure Compensating Range PC and PCAS model - 0.5-4.0 kg/cm² (7.11-56.88 psi) PCNL model - 1.0 - 4.0 kg/cm² (14.22-56.88 psi)
- Opening and Closing Pressure for PCNL Model Opening pressure - 1.0 kg/cm² (14.22 psi), Closing pressure - 0.25 kg/cm² (3.56 psi).
- All purpose versatile product. Suitable for undulating areas.
- Open field application to maintain high field application efficiency.
- PCNL option allows all the drippers to open at a time. Hence it is specially recommended for pulse irrigation for greenhouse/nurseries especially for soilless substrate application.
- PCNL option reduces filling time, saves water and electricity needed to fill up large pipe volume.
- PCAS is recommended for subsurface application to prevent soil suction.
- Large fields with long rows.
